Dua For Nazar (Remove Nazar in Islam)


Our Dua for Nazar has been a blessing for DuaPrayers readers, helping many permanently rid themselves of the evil eye, and this positive impact continues to grow.

Have you ever felt like something is making things harder for you, even when you’re trying your best? This might be because of something called the evil eye, or nazar.

It’s like when someone looks at you with envy, and it brings bad luck. But don’t worry! Our Dua for Nazar is here to help.

This special prayer has helped millions of people all over the world to get rid of bad feelings and protect themselves. By saying these powerful words, you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe from the evil eye.

Understand The Real Meaning of Nazar

In Islam, nazar refers to the concept of the “evil eye,” a harmful effect caused by someone’s envious or jealous gaze.

It is believed that when someone looks at another person or their possessions with envy, it can bring about misfortune, illness, or hardship. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) acknowledged the existence of Nazar and emphasized the importance of seeking protection from it.

Muslims are encouraged to recite specific duas, such as Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas, to seek Allah’s protection from the harmful effects of Nazar and to maintain spiritual and physical well-being.

How Our Dua for Nazar Can Remove Negativity from Your Life?

Our Dua for Nazar is like a magic shield that protects you from bad feelings and negative energy caused by the evil eye.

The evil eye, or nazar, happens when someone looks at you with jealousy, which can bring bad luck or make you feel unhappy. By saying this special dua, you ask Allah to take away the negative energy and protect you from harm.

Many people all over the world use this dua because it really works! When you say it with faith, Allah’s protection will keep you safe and happy, and all the bad feelings will disappear, leaving you with peace and positivity in your life.

Ask Allah for help in choosing a good marriage with Istikhara for marriage.

7 Tips To Follow Before Reading Nazar Ki Dua in Islam

Before starting this Dua for Nazar, it’s important to follow some guidelines to ensure that your prayers are accepted by Allah.

  1. Make your dua with a pure heart and pure intentions.
  2. Believing fully in His power is key to protecting yourself from the evil eye.
  3. Recite this dua daily as consistency is important.
  4. While praying, keep asking Allah Ta’ala for forgiveness.
  5. Women should avoid performing this dua during their menstruation.
  6. Stay humble and avoid showing off your blessings, as this can make others envious.
  7. Keep learning about the signs of the evil eye and other Islamic practices. It’s also helpful to consult a knowledgeable Molvi Ji for guidance.

5 Steps to Perform Dua for Nazar (Dua for Evil Eye)

Here’s a simple and effective way to perform Dua for Nazar in five easy steps. Each step is designed to protect you from the evil eye and remove any negativity surrounding you.

  • Perform Wudu (Ablution)- Before starting any dua for evil eye, it’s important to be in a state of cleanliness.
  • Find a Quiet Place- Sit in a peaceful area where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Recite Surah Al-Falaq (Quran 113:1-5)– This powerful surah is specifically for protection against evil.

Transliteration: Qul a’oozu birabbil-falaq, min sharri ma khalaq, wa min sharri ghaasiqin iza waqab, wa min sharrin-naffaathaati fil ‘uqad, wa min sharri haasidin iza hasad.

Recite this for 7 days continuously.

  • Blow Over Yourself: After reciting, gently blow over yourself or the person you’re protecting. This symbolizes the transfer of the dua’s protective power.
  • Trust in Allah: Finally, place your trust in Allah. Remember that He is the ultimate protector, and with His help, no harm can come to you.

If you have any questions and wish to perform this ritual under the guidance of Molvi Abdullah Hussain Ji, you can reach out to him on WhatsApp at any time. He will assist you in removing any negative energy from your life.

Effective Dua to Remove Nazar in Islam

Removing the evil eye, or nazar, is crucial for maintaining peace and positivity in your life. Here’s a unique procedure in Islam to remove nazar effectively.

Take seven green chilies and place them in your right hand. Chilies are believed to absorb negative energy.

Recite Ayat-ul-Kursi (Quran 2:255)– Recite Ayat-ul-Kursi while holding the chilies. This verse is known for its protective qualities.

Allahu la ilaha illa huwa alhayyu alqayyum, la ta’khuthuhu sinatun wala nawm, lahu ma fissamawati wama fil ard, man tha allathee yashfa’u ‘indahu illa bi-idhnihi, ya’lamu ma bayna aydeehim wama khalfahum, wala yuhituna bishay’in min ‘ilmihi illa bima shaa’, wasi’a kursiyuhu alssamawati waal-ard, wala ya’uduhu hifzuhuma wahuwa al’aliyyu al’azim.

Rotate the chilies around the affected person’s head seven times, counterclockwise. This motion is believed to draw the negative energy away from the person.

After rotating, burn the chilies. This symbolizes the destruction of the negative energy that was absorbed.

Finally, pray to Allah for continued protection. Ask Him to shield you and your loved ones from the evil eye.

Dua For Protection Against Nazar

One of the most effective ways to remove nazar is through this special dua for nazar. Recite it with full faith and trust in Allah.

Dua for protection against Nazar:

Bismillahi yubreek, min kulli daa’in yashfeek, wa min sharri hasidin iza hasad, wa min sharri kulli thi ‘ayn.

Translation: In the name of Allah, He protects you from every illness, He heals you, and He protects you from the evil of the envious when they envy, and from the harm of every evil eye.

Recite for 7 days, especially after Fajr prayer.

Pray to have a baby with this special dua to get pregnant.

Dua for Protection from Evil Eye and Jealousy in 5 Easy Steps

Protecting yourself from the evil eye and jealousy is vital for maintaining a peaceful and positive life. Here are five easy steps to follow:

Transliteration: Qul huwa Allahu ahad, Allahus samad, lam yalid walam yoolad, walam yakul-lahu kufuwan ahad.

  • After reciting, blow on a glass of water. Drink this water to cleanse yourself from within.
  • Recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas.
  • Recite this for 7 days.

After reciting, blow over your family members to extend the protection to them as well.

Lastly, trust in Allah’s protection. With His help, no harm can reach you.

Make your husband love you even more with this dua for husband love.

Effective Islamic Prayer for Nazar

Islamic prayers are the most powerful means to protect yourself from nazar. Here’s an effective prayer you can recite:


Allahumma adhhibil-ba’s, rabbannas, ishfi wa anta shafi, la shifa’a illa shifa’uka, shifa’an la yughadiru saqaman.

Translation: O Allah! Remove the harm, O Lord of mankind, and heal, for You are the Healer. There is no healing but Your healing, a healing that leaves no disease behind.

Recite it for 3 days and make sure recite it with a love and care.

Ask Allah to make your in-laws happy about your love marriage with our dua to convince in laws for love marriage.

6 Benefits That Can Remove Bad Influence from Your Home and Life

  1. Removing the evil eye isn’t just about protection; it also brings positive changes to your home and life. Here are five benefits:
  2. Reciting Dua for Nazar helps to remove the negative energy, bringing peace and tranquility into your home.
  3. By removing nazar, you’ll notice improvements in both your physical and mental health.
  4. With the evil eye gone, you may find that your financial situation improves, leading to increased prosperity.
  5. Removing nazar helps to remove jealousy and envy, leading to stronger and more loving relationships.
  6. Reciting these duas brings you closer to Allah, as you trust in His protection and guidance.

Make your marriage day closer with our powerful Dua to get married soon.


Dua for Nazar is not just a prayer; it’s a shield that protects you and your loved ones from unseen harm.

By following these steps and reciting these powerful duas, you can remove the negativity from your life and invite peace, health, and prosperity into your home.

Remember, with Allah’s protection, no harm can reach you. Keep your faith strong, and trust in the power of dua to safeguard you from the evil eye.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Surah is Best for Nazar?

Surah Al-Falaq is the best Surah for protecting yourself from nazar, or the evil eye. This short Surah asks Allah to keep you safe from any harm caused by jealousy or envy.
By reciting Surah Al-Falaq, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from the bad effects of the evil eye.

What is the Dua for Protection from Bad Influence?

A powerful dua for protection from bad things is: Bismillahi alladhi la yadurru ma’asmihi shay’un fil-ardi wala fissama’i wa huwas-sami’ul-‘alim.
This means, “In the name of Allah, with whose name nothing on earth or in the heavens can harm, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.” Say this dua to keep yourself safe.

What Does Surah Kahf Protect You From?

Surah Al-Kahf is a special Surah that protects you from the troubles of the world, especially from the trials of Dajjal (the false messiah).

By reciting it on Fridays, you ask Allah to protect you from any harm or difficulties that might come your way. It’s like having a shield that keeps you safe from bad things.

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Peer Abdullah Hussain
Peer Abdullah Hussain

Peer Abdullah Hussain is a distinguished Islamic scholar with over two decades of expertise in Quranic supplications. His deep knowledge of Islamic teachings is rooted in extensive Quranic research and a passion for guiding others. Through his dedicated work, Peer Abdullah Hussain has become a trusted source for helping Muslim brothers and sisters find peace, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment through the use of halal duas and wazifas. His commitment to sharing the wisdom of Quranic supplications continues to inspire and assist countless individuals on their spiritual journeys.

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