Best Dua for angry husband (Remove anger from husband)


Sometimes, a husband might get really angry, and it can make everyone in the house feel sad. But don’t worry, our special dua for angry husband that can help calm his anger.

Many Muslim wives have used this dua, and it has brought peace and happiness back to their homes. This dua is like a prayer that asks Allah to make the husband kind and gentle again.

How Our Dua Can Calm Your Husband

When your husband is feeling really angry, it can make everyone in the family upset. But don’t worry, our dua for calming your husband can help bring peace back into your home. This special dua is like a magic prayer that asks Allah to take away the anger and fill your husband’s heart with calm and love.

Our dua for angry husband is a way to ask Allah to remove the anger from your husband’s heart. By saying this dua, you are asking Allah to make your husband more patient and kind.

When you use this dua, it helps make your home a peaceful place. It can help reduce arguments and make everyone feel happier.

Reciting this dua for angry husband can help your husband feel calmer and less upset. It can make him more understanding and gentle.

Read Dua To Stop Divorce

Rules to Follow Before Starting This Dua To Remove Anger From Husband

  1. Make sure to perform all five daily prayers (Salah) while doing this dua.
  2. When reciting the dua, do it with true sincerity, faith, and consistency.
  3. Do not perform this dua while you are on your menstrual period.
  4. Keep complete faith and trust in Allah (SWT) throughout this process.
  5. Make sure to give charity (Sadaqah) every Friday as part of your practice.
  6. Sit facing the Qibla direction (the direction of the Kaaba) while reciting the dua.
  7. Confirm that your intention is purely to seek Allah’s (SWT) help and guidance in addressing your husband’s anger issues.

Want to pray for your husband, Read our Dua For Husband.

Methods to Perform This Dua For Angry Husband

Here’s how you can do the dua to help your husband calm down:

  1. Start with Wudu (Ablution)
    First, wash your hands, face, and feet by doing Wudu. This helps you get ready to pray and ask Allah for help.
  2. Find a Quiet Place
    Go to a quiet spot in your home where you can pray without any noise. This will help you focus better.
  3. Recite the Dua After Salah (Prayer)
    After you finish your daily prayer (Salah), you can say the dua. Here’s what to say:
    • Transliteration: “يَا اللَّهُ، أَزِلِ الغَضَبَ مِنْ قَلْبِ زَوْجِي وَامْلَأْهُ بِالحُبِّ.”Say this dua every day for 21 days. Ask Allah to make your husband calm and happy.
  4. Blow on His Food or Water
    After saying the dua, you can blow softly on your husband’s food or water before he eats or drinks. This is like asking Allah to bless what he eats and drinks with peace.

While you say the dua, remember to be patient. Trust that Allah will help your husband become calm again.

If you need assistance or want quick and effective results, you can reach out to Molvi Abdullah Hussain Ji on WhatsApp for guidance.

Another Powerful Dua to Control the Anger of Husband

If your husband is still very angry, you can try another strong dua to help him calm down:

  1. Recite Surah Al-Falaq
    After the Fajr prayer in the morning, recite Surah Al-Falaq three times. This Surah asks Allah to protect us from bad things, including anger.
  2. Say This Dua:
    • Dua: “O Allah, I trust You, and I ask You to help me and protect me.”Transliteration: “اللَّهُمَّ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ، وَبِكَ آمَنْتُ.”Meaning: “O Allah, I trust You, and I believe in You.”
  3. Recite this dua every day for 15 days after Fajr prayer, asking Allah to help your husband calm down.

Read our Dua For Love Back to get your lover back in your life.

Effective Wazifa for Angry Husband in 4 Easy Steps

If you want to help calm your angry husband, you can follow this simple Wazifa using a special dua. This Wazifa is a series of actions and prayers to bring peace to your husband’s heart. Here’s how to do it in four easy steps:

  1. Perform Wudu (Ablution)
    Start by doing Wudu, which means washing your hands, face, and feet. This helps you prepare for the dua in a clean state.
  2. Recite Surah Al-Fatiha and Surah Al-Ikhlas
    Sit in a quiet place, face the Qibla, and recite Surah Al-Fatiha (the Opening) and Surah Al-Ikhlas (the Purity). This helps you start with the blessings and protection from Allah.
  3. Say the Unique Dua
    After reciting the Surahs, say this dua:
    • Dua: “Allahumma sarrif ghadabi an zawji wa amlik qalbahu bi rahmatika.”Transliteration: “اللَّهُمَّ صَرِّفْ غَضَبِي عَنْ زَوْجِي وَامْلِكْ قَلْبَهُ بِرَحْمَتِكَ.”Recite this dua 100 times. Do this daily for 7 days, asking Allah to help calm your husband’s anger.
  4. Pray for Your Husband
    After reciting the dua, pray to Allah for guidance and patience. Ask Allah to help your husband become more understanding and calm.

By following these steps and reciting the dua with sincerity, you invite Allah’s help to bring peace and love into your home.

Read Dua for Love Marriage (Love Marriage Dua).

3 Key Benefits of Reading Dua for Angry Husband

  1. Saying this dua can help make your home a more peaceful and happy place because it helps your husband stay calm.
  2. The dua helps bring you and your husband closer by removing the anger that can cause fights.
  3. By saying this dua, you are asking Allah to help you, and He will guide you in making your husband calm and happy.


When your husband gets angry, it can be hard, but with the dua for angry husband, you can help bring peace and love back into your home.

Follow the steps and say the duas every day, and trust that Allah will help your husband become calm and kind again. Always remember, Allah is there to help you, and with patience and faith, things will get better.

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Peer Abdullah Hussain
Peer Abdullah Hussain

Peer Abdullah Hussain is a distinguished Islamic scholar with over two decades of expertise in Quranic supplications. His deep knowledge of Islamic teachings is rooted in extensive Quranic research and a passion for guiding others. Through his dedicated work, Peer Abdullah Hussain has become a trusted source for helping Muslim brothers and sisters find peace, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment through the use of halal duas and wazifas. His commitment to sharing the wisdom of Quranic supplications continues to inspire and assist countless individuals on their spiritual journeys.

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