Best Wazifa for Love Back


Assalamalaikum to the readers of Dua Prayers. Read about the best wazifa for love back to bring back lost love in your life.

Losing someone you deeply love can be an excruciating experience. The pain of separation often feels unbearable, especially when you can’t express it to anyone.

For those suffering in silence, the hope of rekindling a lost relationship might seem distant. However, through the spiritual guidance of the Quran and Sunnah, a powerful solution is available—Wazifa for Love Back.

This halal prayer for love back has been a beacon of hope for many. It is highly helpful for those who sought to mend broken relationships. With sincerity and faith, it is possible to bring back your lost love. 

How Wazifa for Love Back Can Transform Your Life?

Wazifa for Love Back is a potent spiritual practice rooted in Islamic teachings. The Quran and Sunnah contain powerful supplications (dua) and practices. These halal prayers help individuals navigate the challenges of life, including matters of the heart.

Wazifa, when performed with pure intentions and deep faith, has the potential to change your life. It does so in ways you may not have imagined. By reciting specific verses and making heartfelt prayers, you can invoke the divine assistance of Allah (SWT) to bring your lost love back to you. 

The Importance of Faith in Wazifa for Love

Faith plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of any spiritual practice, including Wazifa. When you perform a Wazifa for love back, it is essential to have unwavering faith in Allah (SWT). Believe that He listens to your prayers and that He is capable of turning any situation around.

The Quran itself reassures us: “Call upon Me, I will respond to you” (Quran 40:60). This verse serves as a reminder that Allah (SWT) is always there for those who reach out to Him with sincerity and trust. 

Important Considerations About Wazifa for Love Back 

  • Pure Intentions: Ensure your intentions are noble when performing Wazifa for love back, focusing on mutual well-being rather than control.
  • For Women: Avoid practicing Wazifa during menstruation; wait until it’s over to begin or continue.
  • Auspicious Timing: Perform Wazifa on an auspicious day like Friday, known for its significance in Islam.
  • Consistency: Practice Wazifa daily without interruption for the best results; missing a day may require restarting.
  • Commitment: Dedication and sincerity in following the Wazifa process influence its effectiveness.

How to Perform Wazifa for Love Back from Quran?

  • Ensure that you are physically clean before starting the Wazifa. Perform wudu with sincerity.
  • Stand or sit in a peaceful place, facing the Qibla.
  • Recite Durood Shareef (Salat Alan Nabi) 11 times. This will send blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Recite the following Quranic verse from Surah Al-Imran (3:31), which speaks about following Allah and His Prophet to gain Allah’s love: 

“Qul in kuntum tuhibboona Allaha fattabi’oonee yuhbibkumullahu wayaghfir lakum dhunoobakum wallahu ghafoorur-raheem”


“Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind), ‘If you (really) love Allah, then follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.’”

  • Recite this verse 100 times with full focus and devotion. Ask Allah to bring back the love in your life. 
  • Recite Ya Wadudu 300 times. This name is highly effective in matters of love and affection. Recite it with full belief in Allah’s love and mercy. 
  • End your Wazifa by sending blessings upon the Prophet (PBUH) again to complete the process. 

Continue this wazifa for love back for 11 consecutive days.

How To Perform Wazifa For Any Wish in Islam

If your love life is facing challenges and you wish to ask Allah Taala for help, there is a specific wazifa that can assist you. By performing this wazifa, you can bring your desires to fruition with the grace of Allah Taala.

However, it is essential to perform this practice with complete faith in Allah and with sincere, pure intentions. Only under these conditions will the wazifa work effectively for you.

Below are the steps to perform this powerful wazifa that can help fulfill any wish.

  • First, begin by performing Wudu, the ritual purification.
  • Then, recite Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Yaseen, and Ayat-ul-Kursi once each.
  • Following this, repeat the phrase “Ya Arhamar Rahimeen Birahmatika Astaghees” 313 times.
  • Finally, make a heartfelt dua for love back, asking Allah to grant your wish and shower His blessings upon you.
  • This wazifa tor any wish should be performed consistently for 15 days for Allah SWT to accept your supplication.


In summary, this article explores a powerful Wazifa for love back designed to restore lost love and fulfill personal wishes. It highlights the deep emotional distress caused by losing love and the potential of Quranic verses and Wazifas (supplications) to bring positive changes in one’s life.

The Wazifa for love back involves the recitation of specific Quranic verses combined with heartfelt prayers.

Similarly, the Wazifa for fulfilling any wish requires reciting Surah Al-Fatiha, Surah Yaseen, Ayat-ul-Kursi, and a particular phrase to invoke Allah’s blessings.

The article underscores the critical role of faith, pure intentions, and consistent practice with patience to achieve effective results through these Wazifas.

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Peer Abdullah Hussain
Peer Abdullah Hussain

Peer Abdullah Hussain is a distinguished Islamic scholar with over two decades of expertise in Quranic supplications. His deep knowledge of Islamic teachings is rooted in extensive Quranic research and a passion for guiding others. Through his dedicated work, Peer Abdullah Hussain has become a trusted source for helping Muslim brothers and sisters find peace, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment through the use of halal duas and wazifas. His commitment to sharing the wisdom of Quranic supplications continues to inspire and assist countless individuals on their spiritual journeys.

Articles: 26

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