Dua for Someone You Love: How Does It Work?


In Islam, dua (prayer) is a powerful way to seek help from Allah for any of your needs, including love. Many people around the world have experienced how our dua for someone you love has helped them connect with their loved ones.

Whether you wish to strengthen the bond or have someone return your feelings, dua is a means to rely on Allah’s mercy and guidance. It is not about forcing love but about seeking Allah’s help in guiding your path towards the right relationship.

By sincerely performing these duas with faith, you invite blessings into your life. When you make dua with a pure heart, Allah listens and knows what is best for you.

Important Points to Follow Before Starting the Dua

Before you begin the dua for someone you love, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • Intention: Ensure your intentions are pure. The purpose of your dua should not be to harm or manipulate anyone.
  • Patience: Have faith in Allah’s timing. Duas work according to Allah’s plan, so patience is key.
  • Sincerity: Make your dua with genuine sincerity and devotion. Allah knows what is in your heart, and the more sincere you are, the better.
  • Trust in Allah: Understand that whatever happens is for your ultimate good. Allah’s decisions are always beneficial, even if they differ from our desires.

Steps to Perform Dua for Someone You Love in Arabic

Performing dua involves specific steps that will help you feel connected to Allah and boost the effectiveness of your prayer. Here’s how to perform dua for someone you love in Arabic:

  • Perform Ablution (Wudu): Start by purifying yourself with ablution.
  • Recite Durood Shareef 11 times to seek blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Recite the Dua: Here is a simple dua you can recite:
  • Arabic: اللهم اجعلني من الذين تحبهم، واجعل من أحبني يحبني.
  • Transliteration: Allahumma aj’alni min allatheena tuhibbuhum, waj’al min ahabbani yuhibbuni.
  • Translation: “O Allah, make me among those whom You love, and make the one I love love me.”
  • Recite Durood Shareef again 11 times to complete the process.
  • Pray to Allah from your heart, asking Him to bless you with love and a peaceful union.
  • Perform this dua for 21 days consistently for the best results.

Powerful Dua to Make Someone Love You Back in 4 Steps

Sometimes, despite all efforts, feelings may not be reciprocated. But in such cases, the best solution is to turn to Allah for help. A powerful dua to make someone love you back can positively influence the other person’s heart.

  1. Perform Ablution: Ensure you are clean before starting the dua.
  2. Recite Surah Al-Fatiha three times.
  3. Recite the Dua: Here’s the specific dua to make someone love you back:
  • Arabic: ربنا هب لنا من أزواجنا وذرياتنا قرة أعين، واجعلنا للمتقين إماماً.
  • Transliteration: Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata a’yun, wajalna lil muttaqeena imaama.
  • Translation: “Our Lord, grant us from among our spouses and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us leaders of the righteous.”

4. Pray Sincerely: Ask Allah to create love in the heart of the person you desire.

    Duration: Perform this dua for 11 days after Isha prayer.

    Powerful Dua to Get the Person You Love in 5 Steps

    Here’s another dua to get the person you love using 5 simple steps:

    1. Begin with Wudu (Ablution): Start by purifying yourself.
    2. Recite Durood Shareef 11 times.
    3. Recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 3 times.
    4. Recite Ya Wadudu 101 times (One of Allah’s names meaning “The Most Loving”).
    5. End with Durood Shareef again and ask Allah to unite you with the person you love.

    Duration: Continue this for 11 days with a sincere heart.

    Which is the Best Surah to Make Someone Love You

    Among the many blessings in the Quran, there are surahs that can help create love and harmony. Surah Al-Fatiha is one of the most powerful surahs to bring love between two people. Reciting this surah can help in strengthening relationships and developing love.

    Here’s how to use Surah Al-Fatiha to make someone love you:

    1. After performing wudu, sit in a quiet place and face the Qiblah.
    2. Recite Surah Al-Fatiha seven times.
    3. After completing the recitation, make dua and ask Allah to fill the heart of the person you love with affection for you.

    Duration: This should be recited every day for 21 days.

    If you want to bring someone back to you, you can also read the dua to bring someone closer to you.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Can You Make Dua for Someone to Love You?

    Yes, you can make dua for someone to love you as long as your intentions are pure and halal. Islam teaches that love should be within the bounds of marriage, and dua can be a means to ask Allah to make someone you love your spouse. It is important to seek Allah’s guidance in all matters of the heart.

    How to Ask Allah for Someone You Love?

    To ask Allah for someone you love, perform ablution, recite Durood Shareef, and then recite a specific dua with sincerity and devotion. You can pray to Allah and explain your feelings, but always remember that Allah knows what is best for you. Make your dua a request rather than a demand, and trust in Allah’s wisdom.
    In conclusion, love is a beautiful emotion, and when you seek it through dua, you bring Allah’s blessings into your life. Perform the dua for someone you love with sincerity, patience, and trust, and inshaAllah, your prayers will be answered. Always remember, Allah is the best planner, and He knows what is good for you, even when you don’t. May Allah grant you love and peace in your relationships.

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    Peer Abdullah Hussain
    Peer Abdullah Hussain

    Peer Abdullah Hussain is a distinguished Islamic scholar with over two decades of expertise in Quranic supplications. His deep knowledge of Islamic teachings is rooted in extensive Quranic research and a passion for guiding others. Through his dedicated work, Peer Abdullah Hussain has become a trusted source for helping Muslim brothers and sisters find peace, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment through the use of halal duas and wazifas. His commitment to sharing the wisdom of Quranic supplications continues to inspire and assist countless individuals on their spiritual journeys.

    Articles: 40

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